Match Play Rules
2025 PGA of Manitoba Match Play Event
The following parameters will be in place for the 2025 PGA of Manitoba Match Play event:
- Two person team event with format being two person best ball (PGA of Manitoba members in good standing only)
- No limit on the number of teams that can register for the event
- Registration deadline will be 11:00 pm on Tuesday, March 18
- $50 per person entry fee
- Should we have more than 16 teams enter, first round byes will be determined by finish position in the 2024 match play event for returning teams. Following that, byes will be determined by random draw for teams knocked out at each round of matches
- Different tees based on age (49 & under / 50 & over). One set of tees difference at course being played with tee selection to be determined by match participants
- Single loss knock out
- Teams would be responsible for setting up dates, times & locations for matches
- Number of teams paid out determined by field size
- Should a registered player no longer be able to participate due to injury or situation deemed appropriate by tournament committee, another PGA member may replace them for the match. However, should that team win, the replacement player must continue to play for the rest of the matches that season
- Substitutes for registered players will not be permitted under any other circumstance
- Should 2 teams not be able to complete a match by the required deadline, regardless of the reasons given by either side, the winner will be determined by random draw facilitated by the ED and the Tournament Chair
- Match winners must be reported to the Zone Office by email, text or phone call as soon as possible following the conclusion of the match
Round 1 Matches – Must be completed by June 15
Round 2 Matches – Must be completed by July 15
Round 3 Matches – Must be completed by August 15
Round 4 Matches – Must be completed by September 15
Round 5 Matches – Must be completed by October 15
All questions and concerns must be submitted to the Executive Director (Deb Pritchard) and will be reviewed by the Tournament Committee for resolution.
Deb Pritchard (Executive Director) 204-470-3493
D’Arcy Lachance (Tournament Chair) 204-481-0447